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People have asked for a way to say thank you for help in navigating the ICW and so I formed a PayPal Link any amount is appreciated.

As my way of saying thank you back, I will invite members of this group to a Zoom meeting on Going South. It will be a slide presentation on the latest status of the ICW for those headed south this fall. 

The date for the Zoom meeting is tentatively scheduled for 9/12/2021 at 2:00 pm (stay tuned, the date may change). The members of this group will receive an email with a link to the meeting. Just click on the link and you will be added to a waiting room where I'll let you in. This is somewhat experimental so we'll see how it goes. It's a dry run for a larger group later. 

The Zoom meeting format can work for a small group such as this but it's not so good for dozens of people. 

As far as other resources, all downloads will remain free forever - as long as I'm around. At some point in the far distant future, I may ask someone to take over the server supplying the downloads and the associated monthly costs along with replicating what I do with all the equipment needed. This fund is a start in planning for that future. 

I do like my wine on the back of Fleetwing at 5:00 at a dock or anchorage. If you're around, drop by, visitors are always welcomed.

Bob and Ann (aka Bob423)

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