Tracks Descriptions

CSB to GPX Converter


The Crowd Source Bathymetry (CSB) NOAA database contains all the uploaded depth data collected from commercial and recreational mariners. Instructions on its use are given in another topic section at Crowd Sourced Bathymetry. The output of the database is a file in a format not readable by Aqua Map or any other navigation app or program. A conversion program is needed.

Richard Gronback came to the rescue and programmed a tool that converts the output of the CSB database to a GPX file readable by Aqua Map and other navigational programs and apps. It is available at; 

CSB2GPX Converter

The converter accepts the link to data you selected in the CSB database and converts the file to GPX format suitable for loading into Aqua Map and other apps and programs. Tap or click on the up arrow at the right in the link paste field to start the conversion. It also will accept a link from the CSB database that you saved earlier. 

If you just want to view a GPX file that has embedded depths, then use:

GPX Viewer

The viewer will also display for each track point the Lat/Long, date, time, depth, and distance between track points in meters or feet. A depth graph for the GPX file is also created. 

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