Tracks Descriptions

How to Record and Share Tracks

 One of the great advantages of using a tablet navigation device such as an iPhone, iPad, or an Android product like the Samsung Tab A is the ease in sharing tracks and routes. When transiting a shallow area, enable tracking, note the minimum depth seen, and send it along via email to Bob423, (or to any other email address). I'll cover the steps in doing that with the major devices and apps. Skip down to the device and app combination you use for the directions.

Part 1: Apple Devices

Aqua Map
    - To Start a Track: tap on the red "REC" icon at the upper left of the screen. The icon changes to a blinking red dot.
    - To Stop a Track and save it, tap on the blinking red dot in the upper left corner of the screen. Choose to Delete the track, Save the Track, or Pause the track. Tap on "Save the Track".
    - To Share a Track: If you chose "Save the track", a pop up screen will appear giving details of the track such as length, duration, and other data. 
    - At the bottom left of the pop up screen will be a square with an up arrow. 
    - Tap on the square with an up arrow and select GPX format.
    - You will have choices to send the track to another app on your tablet (for example, Navionics), save it to your GEC account for availability across all your devices, and other choices. One choice is to send the track via email. If you want to send it along to Bob423, then enter for the email address.
    - If you want to send a track you recorded earlier, tap on the spyglass in the upper, right corner to bring up the menu. Tap on "User data" and "Tracks" to see a list of recorded tracks saved by recorded date. Tap on the "i" to the right of the track you want to send and a text box appears with the track details and a square with an up arrow at the lower left, tap on it. A list of choices of where to send the track is displayed, chose as describe above.

    - To Start a Track, tap "Start" at the bottom center of the screen, the text box changes to "Stop". 
    - To Stop a Track, tap "Stop" at the bottom center of the screen. A text box will show three choices: Save, Pause, or Delete. Tap on "Save". The text box that used to say "Stop" will change to "Start" (ready for the next time you want to start recording a track). Nothing else seemed to have happened but your track was saved.
    - To Share a Track: Tap on "Menu" at the bottom of the screen. A list will appear at the left, tap on "Tracks". Tracks are automatically named in two ways: by date or by the starting and ending marina. Find your track and tap on "Select" at the top of the list, small circles will appear next to each track. 
    - Tap on the circle(s) next to the track(s) you wish to share. A menu will appear at the bottom of the list. Tap on the square with the up arrow and tap on "Export GPX File".
    - A menu will appear in the middle of the screen with choices of where to send the track. You can send it to Aqua Map, Garmin Active Captain, or other choices. 
    - Tap on the choice "Mail" and enter "" or any other email address. 

Garmin Active Captain
    - To Start a Track, tap "Start" at the bottom of the screen, The text box now says, "Stop".
    - To Stop a Track, tap on "Stop" at the bottom of the screen. You will get a choice of Save, Pause, or Delete the track. Tap on Save. You will see a text box come up showing details about the track. 
    - To Share a Track: Tap on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the screen).
    - Tap on "User Data"
    - Tap on the track you wish to export
    - Tap on the three dots at the top of the track column. You will see a text box with choices of Delete All User Data, Delete Tracks, Export to GPX File, Import from GPX File. Tap on "Export to GPX File"
    - You will see a variety of choices (Aqua Map, Navionics, email, etc.) Tap on Mail. 
    - In the "To" field, enter or any email address you wish to send the track to. 
     - Note: You can also send the track to another app on your device such as Aqua Map or Navionics.

Part 2: Android Devices (instructions are for the Samsung Tab A 10.1 tablet)

Aqua Map
    - To Start a Track: tap on the red "REC" icon at the upper left of the screen. The icon changes to a blinking red dot.
    - To Stop a Track and save it, tap on the blinking red dot in the upper left corner of the screen. Choose to Delete the Track, Save the Track, or Pause the track. Tap on "Save the Track". 
    - To Share a Track: Tap on the spyglass icon in the upper right part of the screen and tap on User Data and Tracks. 
    - Find the track you just saved (latest) and tap on the "i" next to the track you want. A pop up text box will appear. In the Android version, the date is in the European format of DD/MM/YY, which may be changed in the future to MM/DD/YY. 
    - Tap on the square with the up arrow, bottom left corner. Select GPX for the format. 
 - You will have choices to send the track to another app on your tablet, save it to your GEC account for availability across all your devices, and other choices. One choice is to send the track via email. If you want to send it along to Bob423, then enter for the email address. 
    - If you want to send a track you recorded earlier, tap on the spyglass in the upper, right corner to bring up the menu. Tap on "User data" and "Tracks" to see a list of recorded tracks saved by recorded date. Tap on the "i" to the right of the track you want to send and a text box appears with the track details and a square with an up arrow at the lower left, tap on it. A list of choices of where to send the track is displayed, chose as describe above.

    - To Start a Track: Tap on "Start" at the bottom, middle of the screen. The "Start" icon changes to "Stop".
    - To Stop a Track: Tap on "Stop" at the bottom, middle of the screen. You will see a text box with three choices: Save, Pause, and Delete. Tap on "Save". Nothing seems to happen but your track has been saved.
    - To Share a Track: Tap on "Menu" at the bottom of the screen. Then tap on "Tracks" on the pop up menu at left. Your track will be in the list, automatically named (European date format, DD/MM./YY). Sometimes it will just be a date stamp, sometimes it will have the name of the nearest feature (marina). 
    - To Share a Track: tap on the three vertical dots at the top of the screen after tapping on "Tracks" as above and tap on "Select". Small squares will appear to the left of each track. Tap on the square(s) next to the track(s) you want to share. 
    - Tap on the three dots connected by lines at the left, bottom of the list and then tap on "Expore GPX file" in the pop up menu. 
    - You will be shown choice of where to send the GPX file such as to another app on your device (Navionics, Garmin Active Captain) or to email. Tap on "Mail" or "Gmail". To send to me, enter "" in the address field - or any other address to send it to someone else. 

Garmin Active Captain
    - To Start a Track: Tap on "Start" at the bottom of the screen. The start icon changes to "Stop". A track is now being recorded.
    - To Stop a Track: Tap on "Stop" at the bottom of the screen. A pop up will appear with the choices of: Save, Pause, Delete, or Cancel. Tap on "Save". A pop up appear at the left with details on the track.
    - To Share a Track: Tap on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) at the top right of the screen and tap on "User Data". A pop up screen will appear, tap on "Tracks" (you may have to slide the menu to the left with your finger"
    - Find the track you want to share. Each track automatically gets a date stamp of DD-MMM-YY. Tapping on a track turns the track box to blue and a small screen at the right shows on overview of the track.
    - Tap on the three dots at the upper right of the screen, tap on "Export GPX File". The track that is highlighted in blue and shown in the overview chart will be readied for exporting. 
    - Tap on "Email" or "Gmail" to send the GPX track via email. To send to me, enter "" in the address field - or another address to send to anyone else. 

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