Tracks Descriptions


How to Use Aqua Map for ICW Navigation is an overview of using Aqua Map when traveling the ICW with many screenshots of how to use many of its features. 

How to plot a route in Aqua Map A step-by-step guide in forming a route in Aqua Map. It is so easy to input a route using Aqua Map, nothing else is as simple nor as easy - and the route can be instantly transferred to Navionics if desired. 

How the Bob423 Surveyor Team tracks are used to update shoaling impacts. How does Bob423 track of shoaling on the ICW? Sure, USACE surveys are used but how about between surveys? 

Add a spiral binding to the ICW Cruising Guide paperback book. Don’t you wish that book you have would lay flat? Actually, you can have your wish, just take it to the nearest Staples and they will make it spiral bound for $6.

Editing Aqua Map screenshots on the iPad   The iPad has great photo editing capabilities, here I give a short tour on how I use it for illustrating trouble spots in ICW Cruising Guide. 

How to use Bob423 tracks with Route Explorer.  Wouldn’t it be handy to use Bob423 tracks directly in planning a day's run! Just plug in one of the four Bob423 tracks and chose your destination for the day. The ETAs to every bridge, anchorage, and marina will be calculated automatically using your real time boat speed. The lowest fuel price will also be shown. This video shows how to do that.

Bob 423 - Use of Tides in Aqua Map The tides feature in Aqua Map has more capability than most people are aware of. I cover the details.

Bob423 - Use of Currents in Aqua Map The Currents display in Aqua Map has more capability than most are aware of. I cover the details.

Bob 423 - Finding Tides Quickly in Aqua Map Find the nearest tide and current stations without searching in Aqua Map.

Bob 423 - Waterway Guide Alerts There’s a ton of information available at your fingertips with Waterway Guide Alert icons in Aqua Map. I cover some of the details.

Bob 423 - USACE surveys I cover how to find the age of a USACE survey and details of how they are displayed.

Bob 423 - Coast Guard Data for Buoys The Coast Guard publishes a weekly light list covering buoy changes. Aqua Map accesses the digital version of the weekly light list and displayed the new buoys in their correct locations far in advance of when the NOAA charts are updated. However, you have to turn on the feature and have Aqua Map Master.

Bob 423 - Waterway Guide Icons I give an overview of the use of Waterway Guide icons in Aqua Map. The presentation is only an intro, more detail will follow later.

Bob423 - Aqua Map Land & Satellite Views. There are several options you might find useful.

Bob 423 - Aqua Map USACE and Coast Guard Data. Learn the options for display of USACE surveys and Coast Guard buoys.

Bob 423 - Safety Depth. This little-used option can be useful in highlighting the ICW channel as you travel south.

Bob 423 - Map Appearance. The appearance of the charts can be tailored to your specifications and to fit your screen size. I show how.

Bob 423 - Active Captain and Waterway Guide icon settings. You can change the size of the icons, pick which ones you want to have appear on the chart, and add a text title for each icon if desired.

Bob 423 - Map Visibility. There are lots of options available to fine-tune the display of charts on your device. Here I show how to do that.

Bob 423 - All Waterway Guide content presented digitally for $3.99/month. It's a real bargain. In the video, I give some examples of what's available.

Bob423 - Buoys Part I examines when to follow the "red right returning" rule vs passing red buoys to starboard when headed south.

Bob 423 - Buoys Part II. If there's a Coast Guard report of a problem with a buoy, Aqua Map will display that problem report straight out of the Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners, updated weekly.

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