3/8/2025 Update: B423 Titusville to Miami updated to avoid new shoaling at the ICW crossing at the Jupiter Inlet
I've also included a package of 18 side trips that start adjacent to the blue-dotted Bob423 ICW track and show the way to marinas and anchorages that I use. The side trip tracks are in red to avoid confusion with the blue Bob423 ICW Track. All GPX files have been tested to load properly and display with Aqua Map and Navionics. Garmin Active Captain will load the files but won't display the entire length sometimes, use Track Splitter to cut them into smaller segments for Garmin products.
NOTE: I have not yet achieved infallibility (although it is one of my goals). The tracks are as good as I can make them but the ICW is always changing due to shoaling, dredging, barges pushing mud around (into channels), high winds pushing water out, and a number of other factors. As always, the captain takes full and sole responsibility for his vessel in using these files. Always use the latest file for a day's run.
Before following Bob 423 tracks, please see link: Rules of the Road
To understand what goes into forming and updating a Bob423 track, see: Basis for Bob423 Tracks
For detailed info, see: 2024 ICW Cruising Guide and 2024 Atlantic ICW Chartbook
1 - Norfolk, VA to Southport, NC, adjusted a straight through route through Browns Inlet after dredging and other minor adjustments for shoaling.
B423 Norfolk to Southport 021525
2 - Southport, NC to Savannah, GA - A bypass route option around the 3 to 4 MLLW shoaling at Isle of Palms has been added to the Southport to Savannah track. It appears as a red dotted line adjacent to the blue dotted line of the main track. It should be considered at low tide for more water.
B423 Southport to Savannah 122124
3 - Savannah, GA to Titusville, FL Bypass options have been added for avoiding St Andrew Sound and shoaling at Ponce de Leon. The bypasses appear as a red dotted line next to the Bob423 track. The track was updated due to more shoaling at the southern exit of Little Mud River
B423 Savannah to Titusville 120524
4 - Titusville, FL to Miami, FL, A detour route (red dotted line) has been updated to avoid shoaling at the ICW crossing at Jupiter Inlet.
B423 Titusville to Miami 030825
5 - All 18 side trips for safe passage into Homer Smith Marina in Beaufort, NC, Jekyll Island Anchorage, Bethune Anchorage in Daytona, FL, Cedar Creek Anchorage, NC, Pungo River Anchorage, NC, Ft Matanzas Anchorage in FL, and many others. All side trip tracks are in red and start near the blue dotted Bob423 ICW Track.
Bob423 All Side Tracks
6 - Hampton VA to New York. Note that these tracks are dated 2018 but nothing much changes north of the ICW so they should still be good but check to be sure. The GPX file is a collection of 9 tracks that will appear as separate tracks once loaded. The names all start with BM for easy of sorting.
Hampton Va to New York up the Hudson River
7 - Ft Lauderdale to Key West Tracks
Miami to Tavernier (Blue Waters Marina)
8.8 MLLW in Biscayne Channel
4.9 MLLW over bar on approach to Blue Waters Marina in Tavernier, use tide. Do not stray from track on approach to Tavernier, I did once and grounded (do not cut corner on approach). Much deeper once over bar.
Tavernier to Marathon
4.9 MLLW over bar at Tavernier exit, do not cut corner, follow track.
8.0 MLLW in channel at Marathon between G3 and G5.
Marathon to Key West
8.0 MLLW in channel at Marathon between G3 and G5.
Key West to Long Key anchorage
4.8 MLLW at Long Key anchorage. Anchor farther out for more water.
Long Key to Adams Key
(Caution, do not attempt unless you understand how shallow the water is on the approach and exit from Adams Key - attempt only at high tide when you will have 5 ft of water on the bay side)
4.8 MLLW at Long Key anchorage, anchor farther out for more water
4.6 MLLW over bar at entrance to Adams Key (between R2 and R4), use tide for more water.
11.5 MLLW at anchorage next to ranger station
Marine Stadium in Miami to Adams Key
(Caution, do not attempt unless you understand how shallow the water is on the approach and exit from Adams Key - attempt only at high tide when you will have 5 ft of water on the bay side)
4.4 MLLW over bar to Adams Key, just north of G5. Use Billys Pt tide station. I go in with a 1.3 tide so I saw 5.9 ft of water for my 4' 9" keel. Do not deviate from track! (it may look strange but it works). The reward is a 360 protected anchorage with shore access for a dog and a park for a walk.
Marine Stadium in Miami to Ft Lauderdale
7.4 MLLW on approach to Marine Stadium
Angelfish Creek in the Keys
Track from bay to ocean for 4.6 MLLW as of 4/14/2023 using the Ocean Reef Harbor tide station for reference. There is a 100 ft section between R2 and G3 that's less than 6.6 MLLW. It's deeper on both sides of the shallow area. '
BM Angelfish Creek 051323
Approach to Key Largo harbor (the one with "crash corner")
The track starts at R2 to just inside the entrance to the canal for 6.2 MLLW. Use the Key Largo South Sound tide station for tide reference. When approaching the 90-degree turn, announce yourself over VHF, "(name of boat) approaching crash corner inbound".
BM Key Largo
Approach to Loggerhead Marina in Vero Beach, FL for 6.0 MLLW with Wabasso Bridge showing 64 ft of clearance. The Wabasso Bridge height boards are a good indication of water levels. If the Wabasso Bridge shows 63 ft of clearance, then there's an additional foot of depth (7.0 MLLW). If the Wabasso Bridge shows 65 ft of clearance (which almost never happens), then there's only 5.0 MLLW on the approach.
BM Loggerhead Vero
I am using your page of trouble spots. Appreciate that I can tap and go to a usace colored sweep you show with 2020 Southward comments from you. I choose not to buy Aqua Map for view of your Routes. It seems to me I will get what I need this way. Will let you know in the next 2 days! Tomorrow is Browns River and New River. Thank you for your current research.- Joe n Mik Heinrich on Jezebell
ReplyDeleteI would highly recommend buying Aqua Map Master, $10/year for charts and $10/year for access to the USACE surveys. With that purchase, you can download my updated tracks and know the updated, exact path through the shallows. Most of the ICW does not change year to year but certain areas like Browns Inlet, Lockwoods Folly, Shallotte, Watts Cut, Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff, and other short segments do change, sometimes from month to month.
ReplyDeleteIf you have Aqua Map Master, you will always know the most current deep water path. Compared to the cost of a grounding, it’s a trivial investment.
Good morning Bob,
DeleteThis is Roberto on “Gratitude” (fellow tester for AquaMap). I am having trouble downloading your tracks on AquaMap on my iPad. I’ve done it many times before but something is different now. When I select the track I want to download, tap the “down” arrow on the iPad, then tap on the “spyglass” it automatically goes into TZ iboat app. I’ve tried different things and AquaMap dies not show up as an option as far as apps. Any thoughts or help you can provide?
Thank you in advance.
We are sitting in Beaufort waiting for the storm to pass...
Thank you for all your help and work,
You can email me directly at:
Or call if you prefer at (781) 760-7602
Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteI bought your book, Aquamap and an iPad. I am at your blog, but I cannot download your tracks. I see your links, I click on them, but nothing happens. I must assume they are offline (11/10/20 at 9:30 am EST). I will try again later. I will do ICW next year and I am now testing all tools.
The tracks are not off-line, I just tried the links now. What device are you using and what browser?
ReplyDeleteI'm not computer literate and maybe I'm stupid also but I have read and reread your instructions and can't download tracks.
ReplyDeleteUnknown, email me at 423sail@gmail.com. I'll give more detail.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem similar to Gratitude. Using an iPad, when I hit the downloaded track, it defaults to SEAIQ. (I also have Aqua map Master and Navionics)
Solved it.
DeleteFor those having trouble getting Aqua Map or Navionics to appear as a choice or if the browser defaults to another app, the fix I've used in the past is to delete the app it's defaulting to. Once deleted, then in my experience, Aqua Map and Navionics will complete the download. After doing that deletion one time, you can then reload the offending app (SEAiq or TZ, Dropbox, etc.) and everything will then work as expected. You only have to delete the offending app once.
ReplyDeleteWith the iOS 12 update, I found I could not see Aqua Map or Navionics in the list of choices for a download. I deleted SEAiq and the Aqua Map and Navionics choices appeared. I later reloaded SEAiq and everything worked okay from that point forward.
ReplyDeleteLikewise, with another iOS update, I saw the Aqua Map choice but when I clicked on it, Dropbox came up (stole the GPX file download). I then deleted Dropbox and then the GPX file downloaded into Aqua Map as expected. I later reloaded Dropbox and I could download to Aqua Map and Navionics as expected.
Good morning from our Endeavour38 CC in St. James Plantation. We made it here in a much smoother state of mind for having the track from Norfolk. The Southport to Savannah track appear to be “corrupted or invalid” as far as the Navionics app goes. Navionics happily imports the next, Savannah to Titusville, and Aqua Maps has no trouble with Southport to Savannah. Huh?
ReplyDeleteStan, I don't have your email address so I'm answering in the comments. There is an error which we're (us and Aqua Map) are trying to track down affecting GPX files loaded after 11/13/2020. It only affects Navionics and we're working on it. If you can send me your email address to 423sail@gmail.com, I can send you the 11/13/2020 file which only has minor differences to the updated 12/20/2020 file. Sorry for the problem but thanks for reporting it!
ReplyDeleteBob - I have been trying to process the B423 Southport to Savannah 010221 file with Track Splitter as you described and no matter what value for track segment length I try it always is missing the data from Savana to just north of Beaufort. If I load the full B423 Southport to Savannah 010221 file into Google Earth it has the data from Savana to Beaufort so it must be in the original file.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone else encountered this issue and found a solution?
Unknown, what app (Aqua Map, Navionics, Garmin?) and what device (Apple or Android) are you using? You can contact me at 423sail@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWill send an email with details - Thanks
DeleteIt definitely is a Simple GPX error. The first point in your track file is lat="32.024899" lon="-81.046104", the first point in the Simple GPX output file is lat="32.49619" lon="-80.56906". Weird that the other files work, guess the program doesn't like Georgia LOL
ReplyDeleteBob - thank you for these tracks. We took our Sundancer 44 from Charleston, SC to her new home in Fort Lauderdale in April 2021. Navigating all the cuts and shallows during low tides in SC (we bypassed GA on the ocean) was much easier than relying on memory of what I had read before on the WG. Since electrical repairs delayed our departure, we of course ended up at absolute low tide e.g at Field Cut approaching Savannah to give us some white knuckle experience. Will now download the last section to the Keys, as we have learned to trust Bob’s line for our outings!
ReplyDeleteI have tried for hours to download the tracks and still no luck. Any additional information available?
I experienced trouble importing the tracks into Garmin HomePort. The solution for me was to upload the track to https://gpx.studio/ and then export to a new file. Don't check the 'Time' option. Somehow that cleaned up whatever Garmin was looking for. I manually inspected the files carefully and could never discover the issue.
ReplyDeleteBob - I am trying to download files to my laptop so I can try to load them on an SD Card for a Garmin 7212 Chartplotter that's currently on a boat I just bought. I received an error that the Titusville to Fort Lauderdale can't be downloaded securely. I was able to download the other files fine. I downloaded all the files onto an iPad and imported into AM successfully. I'm using MS Edge. Is there a known issue with Edge?
DeleteWunderlick Family, I forgot to make the download https. I just updated the download, now try. Let me know if there’s still a problem (close and reopen the browser to force it to load the new file instead of using the one in its memory).
Bob - I was able to download the file using chrome almost immediately after posting on April 10. I just tried again in Edge and it worked. THanks for all your help. Bob Wunderlick, M/V Wunderful Life
DeleteAre old tracks over-ridden or deleted automatically? I just arrived in Daytona and see the Titus =vile to Jacksonville was updated.
ReplyDeleteThat should have said Savannah to Titusville..
DeleteOld tracks are not automatically deleted. Download the new track and delete the old one.