Tracks Descriptions

Spiral Bound Guide


A limited number of the 2023 ICW Cruising Guide by Bob423 is now available from me on eBay with a spiral binding as supplies last. 

There are now three ways to purchase the 2023 ICW Cruising Guide:
  1. From Amazon for the paperback, hardcover, and Kindle versions
  2. From Waterway Guide for the version that runs on their app.
  3. From eBay (me) for a limited number of copies that I bought and took to Staples for spiral binding. The price is the same as on Amazon, $49.95 plus USPS Priority mail and state tax. 
Keep your copy up to date! Download update pages at link:


The Guide covers the basic knowledge needed for those transiting the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) in the first six chapters. In Chapter 7, the ICW University series starts with more detailed explanations of nautical knowledge needed for living on the ICW.
The ICW Cruising Guide has expanded to 297 pages to provide essential ICW information with over 500 links to additional online sources. The links are active in the eBook and Waterway Guide versions. An active link list will be published on the download site at for those with just the hardcopy version.
All 126 hazard charts have been updated with depths from Bob423 and his Surveyors in the spring of 2023 to include the latest USACE survey charts as displayed in Aqua Map Master with the Bob423 track as a blue dotted line.
MLLW at top of hazard page. New this year is the least MLLW seen for each hazard area prominently displayed at the top of the page with the hazard chart. The same format is carried over to the Table of Contents so at a glance you can see the MLLW numbers for the areas you plan to traverse that day provided you stay on the Bob423 track.
Technology never sleeps. All recommendations have been updated to reflect the current state of the art.
What are Bob423 Tracks? A section explaining what Bob423 tracks are, their sources, and how to use them has been added.
I take a deep dive into Aqua Map features with a focus on the new weather capabilities and explain the meaning of each icon on the Aqua Map first screen.
Color coding Navionics SonarCharts. I cover how to tailor your Navionics SonarChart display for shallow water navigation with color-coded depths. Examples and a step-by-step procedure are outlined.

Split Screen basics cover how to see both Aqua Map and Navionics on Apple and Android devices at the same time.

Crowd Sourcing Bathymetry comes to Aqua Map. Share your soundings with NOAA
Want to anchor in Key West instead of opting for an expensive marina? I interviewed Stan Loveday, a Key West Bight City Marina Dockmaster, for advice on where nearby to anchor that won’t result in your boat up on land after some wind..
ICW-Proof Your Engine. Max Parker of Zimmerman Marine continues his article on How to ICW-Proof Your Engine. Cruising the ICW involves long hours of engine running, often at relatively low RPMs which is not the best strategy for long-term engine durability. Max Parker, head of yard operations at Zimmerman Marine gives his insight from 25 years servicing ICW cruisers on how to best maintain our engines for trouble-free operation.
Introduction to Weather Apps. I cover the weather models most valuable to boaters and the apps that best display them. Two examples are given to show the differences in predictions from weather fronts and during summer thunderstorms

Amazon only offers a standard binding although it can be purchased with either a paperback cover or a hardcover. However, the paperback version of the Guide can be taken to your nearest Staples store and they will replace the standard binding with spiral binding for a small fee, typically $7 to $8. There are other stores besides Staples that will also replace the traditional binding with a spiral binding. The advantage of spiral binding is the ability to lay flat. It can be folded over to show just one page of the Guide for convenience at the helm. 

In the photo, you can see two pages of the Guide lying flat with a view of the binding.

 I will typically mail your order within two days (usually the same day) and USPS Priority promises delivery in 2 to 5 days anywhere in the US. 

1 comment:

  1. updated supplements are necessary to correct shifting of shoals and construction changes. To wit: St. Johns river ICW crossing at mile marker buoys and channel markers currants and tides etc.
